August 8 to August 11

Sylvan Lake Junior Youth

Overnight Camp


The annual Overnight Sylvan Lake Junior Youth Camp, a component of the Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program, serves as an intensive space for junior youth aged 11 to 14. This camp aims to enhance their powers of expression, strengthen their commitment to the betterment of their communities, build a stonger moral foundation, and foster bonds of friendship among their peers through a series of engaging stories, sports, arts and complementary activities.


Observation and Insight

The story of the textbook we will study at the camp, Observation and Insight, opens in an imaginary village in India, where twelve-year-old Nanda lives with her family. Over the course of eleven readings, she is helped by Kalpana, who runs a nearby educational center for women, and Ramnik, her brother-in-law who is an ecologist, to organize the insights she is gaining as she observes the world around her. Nanda is at an age where she is starting to ask herself questions not only about physical reality but also about social reality. In this connection, she is helped to think about the kind of changes that will need to take place in her small village if it is to achieve enduring prosperity. Similarly, the junior youth, with the help of their animator, will use their powers of observation and insight to conduct various science experiments, analyze nature around them, and more.

Camp Details

  • Thursday, August 8, 2024 to Sunday, August 11, 2024

    • Thursday, August 8: Depart Rundle at 10AM

    • Friday, August 9: Full Day

    • Saturday, August 10: Full Day

    • Sunday, August 11: Arrive in Rundle at 8PM

  • Sylvan Lake Baha’i Centre (39223 Range Rd 23, Lacombe County, AB T0M 0H0)

    The facility is equipped to host overnight camps. It includes:

    • Dormitories with bathrooms and showers

    • A kitchen and dining hall, with all meals and snacks provided

    • Classrooms that can accommodate small groups of 5-10 people as well as larger plenaries of 50-100 people

    • A campus that features a scenic lake, a soccer field, a volleyball court, and ample green space

  • Bussing to and from the camp will be available at a central location in Rundle for all registrants. Parents or guardians are welcome, of course, to drive their own junior youth to the venue if they wish.


    Please arrive Thursday, August 8 between 9-9:30AM at Concord Learning Centre (2555 32 St NE #319). The bus will leave promptly at 10AM.

  • Meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks) will be prepared and provided on-site by volunteers. If parents/guardians would like to contribute to groceries and/or preparing meals, please contact the organizers.

    Accommodation will be provided. The facility is equipped with dormitories with bathrooms and showers.

Camp Registration

Fee: $100*

Registration Deadline: July 31, 2024 @ 11:59PM

*If you require financial assistance, please submit the Financial Assistance Form below and wait for a response before registering for the camp

Financial Assistance

The total cost of the camp has been heavily subsidized to make it affordable for all participants. The remaining registration fee of $100 contributes to the cost of meals, materials, transportation and other expenses associated with the 4 days of the camp. If the cost is still a barrier, a system for financial assistance is available through the application form below: